John Deere 318 for Sale price of this branded tractor is only 1850 dollars. John Deere 318 Tractor is very powerful and uses very little fuel. Everything works, service was also recently done. Transmission oil and filter, engine oil + filter, air filter, and new candles were changed. Everything with JD original parts! It was imported a couple of years ago. Contact us for this John Deere 318.
John Deere 318 Parts
John Deere 318 The Johnny starts immediately and runs very powerfully. Operating hours 525 (so not much)
Equipment: Power steering
, Hydrostatic transmission runs perfectly Rear, hydraulics (rare), Rear PTO shaft (rare), 4 hydraulic connections front
50-inch mower 1.23m (rare). There is also a 318 parts carrier with a replacement motor (Onan b43) that ran for 1245 hours in private ownership. John Deere 318 Engine Hydraulıc System Wıth 3 Double Effect Oıl Intakes, Hydraulıc Brakıng System, Heıght Adjustable Pull Bell.
Year: 1994
Manufacturer: John Deere
Price: US$1850
John Deere Garden Tractors
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John Deere 318 is 1850$
This John Deere 318 is 1850$
John Deere 318 is 780 to 836 pounds.